God’s Provision: Sara Bennett and FCHC On-Site School

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The Four Corners On-Site School has taken on a new look, and we are excited to be a part of the changes God has made in this area of our ministry. While our high school boys remain enrolled in our local school system, they utilize our campus classroom to complete their work. Our younger students are making significant progress with the Alpha and Omega homeschool curriculum. It is good to see them settling into their school routines and enjoying the learning process. God brought Sara Bennett to us this year to be our lead instructor. I hope you enjoy reading her story below.

God prepares us today for what we need tomorrow. That truth is apparent in Sara Bennett’s life. Sara is the teacher for Four Corners Home for Children (FCHC) On-Site School. Sara grew up in Traverse City, Michigan. When she was fifteen years old and attending a church-sponsored youth event, her mother collapsed into her arms and died from a heart attack. Sara unwillingly moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, from Michigan to live with her father, someone with whom she had a distant relationship. Sara transitioned from a small one-room school to a large city high school. The loss and grief Sara experienced, followed by confusion and chaos, profoundly impacted her.

Sara had a horse while living in Michigan, and in her grief, she felt drawn to volunteer at the Therapeutic Riding Center in Las Vegas. She was willing to do the hard work necessary so she could be around the horses. Eventually, she sought certification to be an instructor. Sara states:

I saw miracles. I saw autistic children begin to communicate, and I saw disabled children take their first steps. Horses offer unconditional acceptance! I, too, found personal healing, and now here I am, at FCHC, with an opportunity to be around horses again. I hope to work with them in the coming months.

Sara received her degree at Ft. Lewis College in nearby Durango, Colorado.

I chose Ft. Lewis College because it was a natural fit for me. Durango has many outdoor recreation opportunities and also has a laid-back environment. I guess I am a hippie at heart.

As a single mom, Sara chose to teach.

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Teaching offered me the best opportunity to be home when my daughter is home. My gift has always been teaching, and whether I am working with horses, in a Sunday School classroom, or in a pre-school setting, teaching is where I feel I am at my best. It is merely intuitive; teaching is my heart.

Sara continues:

I began teaching at Emmanuel Baptist Christian Academy as a pre-school teacher but soon became the pre-school department director. I loved that job because I could coach, train, and play with children.

Unfortunately, the school closed in 2019, and I was unsure what God wanted me to do next. The COVID-19 pandemic caused local school closures. I applied for and interviewed for different jobs without knowing what to do. When Annette Reich offered me the job at FCHC, I felt at peace and quickly said yes. I understand the students. What has happened to them has happened to me. I understand their confusion, hurt, and grief. I know all about upheaval.

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Along with FCHC Childcare Coordinator Hope Humbles, Sara coordinates the Alpha-Omega curriculum for grades two through eight and supervises distance learning for three high school students. Two of the high school students participate in dual enrollment with San Juan Community College. Each child is self-paced but also appropriately challenged. Sara balances between the self-paced curriculum and active teaching.

Sara receives strong support from Ms. Humbles and reflects on her leadership:

Ms. Humbles has a wealth of knowledge in classroom management and education practices. I appreciate her and Ms. Reich for their clear but compassionate leadership. I have genuinely enjoyed building friendships with the childcare staff.

When asked about her teaching style, Sara responds:

I can be fun, but I push the students to do well, and I have high expectations. I will extend grace when a student works hard, but I have a low tolerance for whining!

With genuine sincerity and a big grin, Sara adds:

My daughter recently asked me if my dreams ever came true. I told her, “yes, I am living my dream.”


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